PUUR | Chinchilla & Degoes | Gourmet Muesli | 2kg – Pet Parade

PUUR | Chinchilla & Degoes | Gourmet Muesli | 2kg


General Information

  • Free from added artificial sugars, to prevent disruption of natural sugar levels
  • Fibre-rich and low-starch mix tailored to their sensitive digestive system
  • The balanced, high-fibre composition, added vitamins and trace elements will increase your pet`s vitality
  • PUUR contains everything that your pet needs for a good life
  • Without artificial preservatives, colourings or flavourings!

rosehip / timothy / pepper / stinging nettle / marigold pure & varied gourmet muesli // special ingredients tailored to your chinchilla or degu / free from artificial preservatives, colourings and flavourings / all nutrients for a healthy & happy life // the pure pleasure of nature’s flavours

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