The Green Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons), also known as the Plumed Basilisk or Jesus Christ Lizard, is a striking lizard native to the tropical rainforests of Central America. It is easily recognized by its vibrant green color and the prominent crests along its head, back, and tail, particularly in males. These crests serve a display function and aid in balance. The green basilisk is famous for its unique ability to run on water, using its long toes and light body to dash across the surface when fleeing predators, earning its nickname “Jesus Christ Lizard.”
Growing up to about 75-90 cm (2.5-3 feet) in length, they are semi-arboreal and excellent swimmers. Green basilisks are omnivores, eating a diet of insects, small vertebrates, fruits, and vegetation. They prefer dense, humid forest environments, often near rivers or streams.